Wednesday 5 October 2011

Magazine Front Cover Conventions:)

Left Third - Position of the main news story.
Cover lines- One word/phrase to capture the readers attention.
Mast head - Brand/Name of the magazine.
Dateline - The date of the magazine, usually at the top.
Barcode - Electronically scanned on the magazine, tells the price/brand number.
Sell Lines - Explains the title (Brand identifier)
Splash - Visual splash on the cover.
Credit - By someone: person who put it together.
Kicker - Leading you into a story.
Teller - Telling you about the story (kicker).
Skyline - Headline about the masterhead.
Flash - Graphic: flash on page.
Graphology - Art of graphics: Font/design/colour.
Anchorage - Explains the photo on the cover of the magazine.
Screamers - Exclaimation: headline you would verbally shout.
Images - Visual aspects of the magazine (Photographs/drawings.)

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